
时间:2023-08-28 14:45:03 来源:网友投稿



四年级英语习题 第1篇


I _______ a beautiful I like it very

Peter _______ some They"re

My mother _________ a new

Mark and Tom ______ two toy

Mark ______ a blue Tom ______ a black

His friends ________ many(许多) They are red, yellow and

________ you an orange Yes, I

We ________ a big It"s tall and

They ________ some They like

He is my Look, he _______ an It"s

An elephant ______ four big

It ______ a long nose,

二、用am, is或are填空

-- I _____ a –Yes, you ______ a

-- ______ that your book, Alice – Yes, it

--What colour ______ the mountains –They ______ green and

Her name ________ She ______ my little

--How old ______ you, Ben - I ______

-How old ______ Ben - He ______

--_____ you all right - Yes, I ________ fine, thank

Where _____ Father Here he

Your eyes ______ black and They _______

My teeth _______ They ______

Who _____ this This ______

--_____ it an aeroplane --No, it ____

-- What _____ that noise --It ______ the


I, my

______ have a

_____ T-shirt is white and

you, your

______ have some

________ pencils are

he, his,she,her

That"s Mr That is _______

______ has a grey

______ is Mrs ______ coat is

_____ likes


--______ you like pandas -- No, I ______ like I like

--What _________ is it --It"s It"s

--Can you _______ raindrops --Yes, it"s

In _______, we can see

In autumn, _________ fall and

--What"s _____ your hand --My English

Look _____ the

Listen _____ the

They"re They"re They can swim(游泳)。


______ your Touch What is it

--How ______ it feel --It"s

--How ______ the toys feel -- They"re

--What ______ you see --I ______ see a

I have a _____ robot has a cold

Look ______ the I can ______ me

四年级英语习题 第2篇

()What’s_____ the classroom? on in

()Where’s my seat? It’s____ the on in near

()Let’s clean the

Good job Good idea It’s nice

()Let_____ put up the my I me

( )where ______it?

( ) It_____ near the

( ) Let me______the fish

( ) The kite is_____the for

( ) A:What’s this ? B:It’s

( ) The picture is _____the in on to

( )We ____a new help look

( )Let_____ clean the . my me C .I

( ) Let’s go and A .see B .sees to see

( )—Let’s clean the —

( ) Let ________ clean the my I me

( ) — __________ in the classroom? —A board, two lights, many desks and

Where What’s How many

( ) This _______my classroom am is are

( ) I have ____English a 6 an

( ) Put your math book __ your desk . at on the

( ) ---Let me help you ---_______________

Thank you Here you You’re

( ) I have_________ English book and _____Chinese

a; a a; an an; a

( )I have____new a an the

( )Who has____English book? a an the

( )___in your hand? Where What’s How many

( )How many ___do you have ?

English books English English book

( )--- __________is the pen?

What What colour How many

( )I an

( ) I have

books Chinese book a Chinese book

( ) I_____ a new have has am

( ) Wu Yifan __ big eyes and small B,has had

( ) I _______ music and , like B, likes am

( ) She have B, has had

()What’s___name? she he his

() He _____ like likes is like

()Zhang Peng_____ short have has had

()We____ a good have has had

()Is that a boy _____ a girl? or and is

()My friend is are am

( ) A:___is he? B:He is Mike

( ) Amy has eye

( )He has hair a hair

( ) They friend

( ) A:_______? B:Yes,she

she your new friend? this your pen? Where is she?

( )Where are the keys? _____

are in the It"s in the are in the living

( ) Is Chen Jie in the bedroom? _______

Yes, it isn" No, he"s in the kitchen Yes, she

( ) Are they in the door? _________

No, they aren" No, it isn" Yes, it

()What_____ you see in my room? are can will

()Are the keys in the door? Yes,

they aren’t it isn’t they are

()Are they near the phone? No,

they aren’t it isn’t they are

() The keys are_____the in on

( )__are you? I am in the living Where

( )Let ____ show me my

( )______ would you like? I"d like some noodles

What Where Who

( ) Cut _____ the in with on

( )Can I have ______ rice please? some any many

( )_________ is

Something Anything Everything

( )What would you like for dinner? ___________

I"d like some I have some I like

( )What would you like ______ at for with

( )— Can I have some noodle, please? — _______

Thank Here you Wait and

( )__? It"s ten How much How old How many

( )---- Mom,_________ I help you?

-----Yes, Pass me a plate please!

Do Can Am

( ) are

( ) I’d like______rice and some

( ) What’s______dinner? to

( ) Have some____, beef

( ) Here you

( ) I is am

( ) Pass_____the knife,

( ) I’d like some___ a vegetable

( ) How many ___ are there in your family?

people peoples a peole

四年级英语习题 第3篇

一、 write the words:(按要求写单词)

bench___________ moth____________ brush___________

形容词:rain____________ snow___________ cloud____________

dig___________ swim___________ play_____________ eat___________ mop___________ wash____________

反义词:wet__________ cool___________ hot___________ ugly__________ afraid____________ blunt___________ free___________ thin__________ little___________ behind__________

hear__________ there__________ sun___________ for__________

儿童节____________ 圣诞节 ___________ 国庆节_____________ 教师节_______________

二、 Fill in the blanks: (用适当形式填空)

Can you help ____________(he)?

The fox _________(like)

The sun is ________________(shine)。

It’s a _____________(sunny)

May__________(have) some The shells are for _________ (you) cousin

____________(there be) a packet of biscuits on the table?

It’s 2:00 The Lis ___________(sit) on the

How many_____________(ducking)___________(have) Mother Duck got?

Please________(get up) , I_________________(get up)

Is Mary ____________(mop) the floor?

__________(not ) mop,

_______________(how many ) toast have you got ?

Look, there’s _________(a) old felt pen in Lisa’s She _______________(colour) the

三、 Use the prep to fill in the

It’s time _________go to

It’s time

What time is it ? It’s half

There is a temple __________the top of the

Listen _______the

Don’t play ________the It’s

Where is Kitty ? She is standing__Mary and

Happy birthday

Do you have Maths Lesson _____Tuesday?

_______January , it’s hot and

It’s warm

We are playing

四、Read and match:

( ) What colour can you see ? A: Oh, it is

( ) What can Mrs Wang see? B: Some limes,

( ) What colour is the doll ? C: I can see

( ) Smell the A yellow

( ) Look, what is it ? Yes, he is

( ) Can you help me ? F: No, my doll is

( ) Is this your doll ? G: She can see

( ) Have you a new friend ? H:

五、Change the sentences:

It’s sunny and hot in (提问)


Are those bags Miss Fang’s ? (肯定句)


students are having apples (提问)


has got a (提问)


It’s half past (提问)


I like


boys are jumping in the


has got some nice pencils . (一般疑问句,并否定回答)、


They are old ( 单数)


Those are old ( 单数)


likes (否定句)


’s have (改进行时态)

四年级英语习题 第4篇

This is our There are fifty students in our There are twenty-five boys and twenty-five There is an American student in our Her name is Her English is very We all like She likes eating bread and She likes drinking milk and orange We like eating rice and drinking We are very happy together


( ) There is an American boy in our

( ) Mary is an English

( ) She likes rice, tea, and

( ) We are good

( ) There are twenty-four girls in our

在A, B, C中选出一个答案

( ) How many students are there in the class?

Twenty-five Fifty-five Fifty

( ) What does Mary like eating?

dog and bread

( ) What does she like drinking?

Apple Cola Orange juice and milk

( ) What do the Chinese students like eating and drinking?

Rice and tea Bread and milk Bread and


My name is This is my There are five rooms in my This is my father and mother’s There are three pictures on the There is a desk near the There are two chairs behind the On the left of the room, there is a On the right, it’s my There are four pictures and a poster on the


( ) This is Lily’s

( ) There are four rooms in the

( ) There are three pictures in Lily’s

( ) There are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s

( ) The toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s


Do You Want Me To Tell a Lie?

Mummy: Which apple do you want, Dick?

Dick: The biggest one,

Mummy: What? You should be polite and pick the little Dick: Should I tell a lie just to be polite, Mummy?


Mummy have two ( )

Dick wants to eat the big ( )

Mummy wants Dick to eat the big ( )

Dick eats the big one, because he doesn’t want to tell a ( )


A: Mum, it’s Teacher’s I’d like a card for my

B: OK, here’s a green one on the A: Thank you, what’s the time,

B: It’s seven

A: Oh, I’m Where’s my school bag?

B: It’s on the

A: Mum, shall we go by bus?

B: Let’s close the


( ) It’s Teacher’s

( ) His school bag is on the

( ) They go to school by

( ) They go to school at seven。


Laura is my good She is from She likes Chinese food very She often has eggs and soy milk for She has lunch at She likes to eat rice, chicken, sweet potatoes and After school, she helps her mom to cook supper for her Laura is good at making She likes jiaozi Tomorrow is Mother’s Laura is going to buy her mom a box of chocolate to celebrate her mom’s She loves her mom very


( ) Laura is from

( ) Laura likes Chinese

( ) Laura has lunch at

( ) Laura is good art making

( ) Tomorrow is her father’s

四年级英语习题 第5篇

Hello, I’m a He’s You can call me I have two big ears and two I can run and I can’t paint or This is my It is not very But it is Look! In the sitting-room, there is a big I’ve got many beautiful They’re under the big There are four apples on the I like my

( ) Martin is a

girl boy ten

( ) Martin can ______ and

swim jump paint

( ) Martin’s house is

big small and beautiful big and beautiful

( ) _________are under the big

Four apples A big plant Many flowers

I’m I have brown hair and blue I’m short and I have an American(美国的) She is a quiet Her name is She is tall and She has long And her glasses are

( ) Lily has

yellow hair

brown hair

long hair

( ) _________is tall and

Lily Lucy


( ) Lucy is a _________

quiet friendly


( ) Lucy has

blue eyes

orange glasses

brown shoes

( ) Lily is .

thin short

short and thin

My friend is a boy, He is He is a Chinese He has short hair . He is tall and He has big eyes . He is very His name is Zhang

( )1、My friend is a girl .

( )2、He is fourteen .

( )3、He is a Chinese boy

( )4、He is tall and

( )5、His name is

推荐访问:英语 习题 四年级 四年级英语习题 四年级英语习题(集合5篇) 四年级英语例题