
时间:2023-08-31 11:30:03 来源:网友投稿

◎文/本刊记者 徐博彦

航拍五女山 郭韬 摄








(责编/ 景雪峰)

Afriend from Benxi introduced his hometown in this way, “Benxi is the right place to find your peace of mind” with its green mountains,clear water and ample oxygen. It was the premier destination for outdoor sports. Apart from this, it is also a good place for listening to the sound of nature.

Miaohou Mountain Ancient Human Site dates back to 150,000 to 500,000 years ago. It is a cave site in the early Old Stone Age, the northeastern-most one found in China.

The old town built in Wun ü Mountain was the first Koguryo capital, established in the early days of the kingdom. The sight of the palaces, barracks, granaries,ponds and other relics built over 2000 years ago suggests the scenes of a splendid kingdom and a feeling of solemnity.

Jiudingtiecha Mountain is known for the 1000-yearold temple for the immortals and the origin of Taoism in northeast China.

Nantian Gate is the main shooting location for a few movies of patriotic education, such as Heroic Sons and Daughters and others.

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