
时间:2023-09-09 11:45:02 来源:网友投稿



10自我介绍 第1篇

I am cheerful, stable, energetic, warm and Serious and responsible work, proactive, Have a strong organizational skills, practical ability and team spirit, can quickly adapt to a variety of environments, and integration of

When a medical practitioner for people to lift the disease has been my wish, so after entering the university, I take the opportunity to fully and systematically learn professional knowledge and professional nursing skills, spare time also often to the library to read the medical knowledge, So that their knowledge is broader, more solid On the basis of learning cultural knowledge, but also pay attention to other aspects of learning, more comprehensive development of their own, learning work are seriously responsible for, by teachers and students of Weekends, many times to the hospital, nursing home for volunteer activities, we will learn the medical knowledge to help people need, and thus enhance their ability to Three years of clinical practice, strict demands on themselves, the theoretical knowledge and clinical practice, active learning, always with the "responsibility, love, careful, patient," the four heart as the basic care of patients, and in the"Patient-centered" purpose and sincere attitude for the patient service, patients and their families by the trust and satisfaction, but also by the teachers and nurse to Year internship not only improved my nursing skills, but also enhanced my communication skills and cultivated my clinical A year of clinical practice gave me a profound experience is: clinical nursing work must be careful, patient, a high sense of responsibility and mission, so that patients are anxious to solve the patients request, so that they really feel You are really concerned about their

10自我介绍 第2篇



首先感谢同学们给予我这次展示自己的机会!班干部实行公平、公正、公开的竞争上岗,我一是坚决拥护、二是积极参与。本着锻炼自己,为大家服务的宗旨我站在了这里,希望能得到大家的支持。; 我叫__,现年_岁, 今天,我竞争的职位是___。理由有三点:第一点,我认为这有利于提高自己的综合素质,全面发展自己。我觉得越是新的工作新的环境越富有吸引力和挑战性,越是能够学到新知识,开拓新视野,挖掘新潜力。挑战与机遇同在,压力与动力并存,这次竞争新的岗位,目的在于锻炼自己,提高自身综合素质,从而在今后更好的为同学们服务。第二点,我认为自己具备担当该职务所必须的政治素养和个人品质。首先,我有较强的敬业精神,工作认真负责,勤勤恳恳。其二,我兴趣广泛,思想活跃,接受新事物能力较强,工作中注意发挥主观能动性,具备一种勇于接受挑战的信念。锐意进取精神的十足,这将有利于开拓工作新局面。第三,我办事稳妥,处世严谨,信奉“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”工作中遇到难以解决的问题,懂得及时征求他人意见,相信集体的力量,而不会盲目的独断专行。; 第三点,我认为自己具备担当该职所必须的知识和能力。

首先,我认为自己具有较好的的理解判断能力。几次上台演说的机会,使我懂得了一些与人交谈、演讲演说的语言艺术。不断增强了自己的语言表达能力。其三,我信奉诚实、正派的做人宗旨,善于将心比心,善于联络感情,能够与人团结共处,具有良好的组织协调能力。赢得他们的拥护。综上所述,我自认为已具备了担任___的条件,如有幸竞职成功,我将迅速找准自己的位置,在老师的领导下,坚持结合实际,不断开拓创新,与时俱进,把工作做细致,做全面.如果我应选上这个职位,我将会一如既往的勤奋学习、努力工作。最后我只想说一句话,那就是:给我一次机会,我将还您一个满意! 谢谢大家!!

10自我介绍 第3篇









10自我介绍 第4篇

Hi, everybody, My name is Li Qing, 12 years I come from Dongfeng Dong Road Primary School, Yue_iu I was the only child, but I am a happy I like sports, especially like playing And I studied very I often have to

This is I hope we can become



10自我介绍 第5篇

Hello everybody,My name is Binbin,I am a 15-year-old girl,I like playing basketball very mvch,I often planging basketball with my friends,I think it is very interesting,I like reading and surfing the Interesting,too.I exercise three times a week,I eat fruit and vegetables every day,I think it is good for my health,I’m more outgong than most of the kidsin my class,but sometimes , I’m very quiet, My friengs saied I’m very friehdly,I often mkae my friends laugh.my friends often saied it is difficult to learn English very good,MY most friengs don’t like English, But I’m good at English I often help my friends ,I hope I learn English better than ago.

I am thirty years old, graduated from ZhenZhou University. I major in Law. My favorite sport is football. Sometimes I play football with my friends at weekends. I am married,my child is over one year old, he is such a lovely baby! I love my family so much that I decide to make my family have a better life, that’s one of the reasons I apply for this job. I will try my best if I can get this job!

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