
时间:2024-08-28 08:00:02 来源:网友投稿

Fantasy Westward Journey

Chief Director:
Liu Yile

Six Episodes

Chen Xiaoyu

Broadcasting Platform:

This film series is the firstgame documentary created byNetEase, a leading Internet andgame services provider, alongwith a CCTV production team.It shows the integration of videogame production with traditionalshadow play art, ancientbuilding restoration techniques,movable-type printing, andKunqu Opera. The film showcasesthe spirit of artisans inthe work of technically adeptgame developers, showing theconnection between Chineseintangible cultural heritage andvideo game production.

In the Arms of the Yellow River Season II

Chief Director:
Wang Doudou

One Episode

Publicity Department of the CPC Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, CGTN,Ningxia Eastern Foot of Helan Mountains Wine Industry Park Committee Broadcasting Platforms:
Tencent Video, Bilibili, Youku

A stretch of mountains andrivers converge to form an oasisat the eastern foot of theHelan Mountains in northwesternChinas Ningxia Hui AutonomousRegion. Attracted by the land andthe excellent quality of local wine,pioneering entrepreneurs movedto the area and set up variousbusinesses. Through years ofdedication, they have helpedthe premium Chinese wine to berecognized throughout the world.

Prime Time FTP

Chief Director:
Li Ke

Eight Episodes


Broadcasting Group

Broadcasting Platform:

The documentary seriesfocuses on people involvedin the building of the HainanFree Trade Port. Focusing oneight themes such as choice,friendship, hometown, andstruggle, each episodeconsists of three stories ofpeople from all walks of life.It tells the stories of the pursuitof their dreams on theopen and innovative land ofHainan.

推荐访问:Chinese Documentaries