
时间:2024-08-28 08:54:01 来源:网友投稿



In 2007, Yiwu Industrial & CommercialCollege (YWICC) began admittinginternational students. Since then, it hasprovided education to over 12,000 individualsfrom more than 100 countries, with nearly 60%of them from countries and regions associatedwith the Belt and Road Initiative. Leveraging itsstrategic location in Yiwu, the college has developed adistinctive educational approach and earned a reputationas a “university in the small commodities market.” Timeand again, students from YWICC have ventured intobusiness; some have arrived on bicycles but departedcollege driving luxurious cars like BMWs. Below, weshare stories of a few international students who haveachieved entrepreneurial success in Yiwu.


International Vlogger Kamal Hazim

卡玛乐(Kamal Hazim)是一名来自叙利亚的留学生。一次偶然的机会,他在老师的介绍下接触了短视频,之后他拍摄了很多自己和家人在义乌生活的点点滴滴,并发布在自己的社交媒体上,通过介绍中国收获了一大批朋友和粉丝。

Kamal Hazim is Syrain student studying atYWICC. He stumbled upon short videos through afortuitous encounter introduced by his teacher. Sincethen, he has been capturing various moments of his lifewith his family in Yiwu and sharing them on his socialmedia accounts. Through this, he has garnered manyfriends and fans by acquainting them with China.


During the Hangzhou Asian Games, Kamal recordednumerous touching moments with his camera, ranging fromthe arrival of athletes in sports arenas to the selfless dedicationof volunteers. Each frame conveyed themes of friendship,peace, and optimism for the games. His videos amassedmillions of views on Douyin, emerging as one of the topthree trending videos during the Asian Games. These videosfacilitated greater understanding of China and the event, whilealso attracting numerous fans and potential clients. Lookingahead, Kamal plans to capitalize on his advantageous locationin Yiwu, the “Worlds Supermarket,” and become an onlinestreamer promoting goods from all over the world.


Kamals father was among the earliest Syrians to study inChina. After graduating from Shanghai University in 1995,he returned to Syria and engaged in trade between China andSyria. Consequently, Kamal grew up listening to myriad storiesabout China from his father, which ignited his passion forstudying and doing business in China. In 2014, to expand theirbusiness, Kamal and his family moved to Yiwu, where Kamalbecame a new resident.


International Mediator Diallo Mamadou Saliou

来自几内亚的迪亚罗(Diallo MamadouSaliou)2016年毕业于工商学院,目前在义乌成立了义乌市丹踏贸易有限公司,主营进出口业务。成功的经验让迪亚罗在同乡中获得了越来越大的影响力,因此他受邀担任几内亚驻义乌商会会长。

Hailing from Guinea, Diallo MamadouSaliou graduated from YWICC in 2016and subsequently founded Danta TradingCompany in Yiwu, specializing in importand export business. His entrepreneurialacumen has earned him increasingrecognition among his compatriots, leadingto his appointment as the President of theGuinea Chamber of Commerce in Yiwu.


Reflecting on his journey, Dialloshared, “During my time at school,our teachers frequently exposed us toYiwus vibrant markets, exhibitions,and events. These experiences allowed me to forge connections within the businesscommunity, honing my networking skillsbeyond what textbooks could offer.” In college,Diallo demonstrated his compassion throughvolunteer work, visiting elderly residents of YileNew Village and orphanages in Yiwu, all whileactively participating in school and communityactivities. Recognized for his integrity, he wasrecommended by his teachers to join the PeoplesMediation Committee for Foreign-Related Disputesin Yiwu, where he assisted African buyers inresolving trade disputes. At the committeesinaugural session, which featured 11 national flagsrepresenting the nationalities of its mediators,Diallo, unable to procure a Guinea flag, took itupon himself to hand-sew one using the fabric hepurchased from the market. He explained, “Being useful in resolving disputes and aiding like-mindedentrepreneurs globally fill me with pride. My dreamis to assimilate the essence of Chinese mediationpractices and contribute to the development of myhome country.”


Leveraging his mediation experience andextensive network, Diallo swiftly launched his ownbusiness post-graduation. In Yiwus competitiveforeign trade landscape, he not only established a solidfoothold but also expanded his business, ultimatelyassuming the presidency of the Guinea Chamber ofCommerce in Yiwu.


New Yiwu Resident Fortino Marinella Francesca

奈拉(Fortino Marinella Francesca)拥有德国和意大利双重国籍,曾在2016年9月至2018年1月在工商学院学习。刚入学的时候,她在老师的带领下参观了“义新欧”班列的起点站——义乌铁路口岸。当时,奈拉非常惊讶:“我印象中中国的货物到欧洲只能走海运,而且至少需要一个多月的时间。没想到还能通过铁路运输,而且只需要21天。”“我觉得通过这条铁路,不仅可以将义乌的商品带到欧洲,还可以将欧洲的特产带来中国,”奈拉立刻将自己的想法分享给了老师。

Fortino Marinella Francesca holds dualcitizenship of Germany and Italy. She pursuedher studies at YWICC from September 2016 toJanuary 2018. Upon commencing college, herteacher led her on a visit to the Yiwu RailwayStation, the departure point for the YXE freighttrain. This experience left Marinella amazed, “Inmy understanding, goods traveling from Chinato Europe were solely shipped via sea, taking atleast a month. I was surprised to discover thatrail transport is also an option, completing thejourney in just 21 days.” “I think that throughthis railway, not only can Yiwus goods bebrought to Europe, but also European specialtiescan be brought to China,” she promptly sharedthis thought with her teacher.


Driven by this insight, Marinella set up two businessespost-graduation:
Fortino Import Export Co., Ltd. in Yiwu,China, and IMEX UNITED in Germany. These ventureshave created a bilateral trade conduit between China andGermany. Leveraging the Belt and Road China-Europerailway express, she brings in German and Italian goodsto China and sends competitively priced Yiwu products toEuropean and American markets, with an annual containervolume surpassing one hundred. In 2019, Marinellascompany received the prestigious “Best Product Award”at the China Yiwu Imported Commodities Fair. Herentrepreneurial journey in Yiwu has garnered significantmedia attention, with coverage by prominent outlets suchas China Central Television (CCTV) and Yiwu News.Recognized as a prominent figure among international youngentrepreneurs in Yiwu, Marinella delivered a keynote addressat the World Yiwunese Conference.

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